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What's On

  • Next delegates meeting Tuesday 5 February 5.30pm
  • 1st Wednesday of the month is the Electrical Trade Union Geelong Branch members meeting. Gheringhap St. Office at 5.00pm.
  • 3rd Wednesday of the month the Plumbers Union members meeting is 5.00pm at Geelong Trades Hall.
  • Last Wednesday of the month at 12 noon the CFMEU shop stewards meet at the CFMEU office on Fyans St.
  • Every Thursday night at 6.00pm. Geelong Trades Hall Choir rehearsal. All members welcome. 127 Myers Street. Geelong.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Geelong Trades Hall Centenary Dinner

250 Unionist, delegates, officials and supporters celebrated 100 years of Geelong Trades Hall Council on Friday night, 13 March 2009.

33 unions were represented along with state and federal members of parliament. Local city councilors and officials from the ACTU all enjoyed an evening good food, friends and music.

Lisa Fitzpatrick, Victorian Secretary of the Australian Nurses Federation, was the guest speaker and the dinner was opened by the Honorable Ian Trezise MP, member for Geelong.

The inaugural Geelong Woman Unionist Award was presented to Pauline Richardson, Australian Services Union. The Award was presented by Michelle O'Neil, Victorian Secretary Textile Clothing and Footwear Union.

Allan Sargent, CFMEU, prepared a display of historical documents and memorabilia. While John Ward joined in the spirit by bring along his Grandfather's 8 hour day and GTHC 50 years service medals.

Wendy Wyhaven from the Geelong Trades Hall choir made a wonderful 100 year cake that was duly presented and sliced by Mr Gordon Scholes, former federal member for Corio and past president of Trades Hall, when he gave the toast to 100 years service.

The rest of the evening was spent catching up with old friends and dancing the evening away to the beautiful sounds of Kelly Auty and her band.

More photos to come later.