Hi All,
There is a rally tomorrow in support of the two ASU Geelong Council workers who have been sacked.
Please bring along flags etc. and people.
The rally will be at 8.30am tomorrow (28th July) at Johnston Park Gheringhap Street. Geelong (just next door to City hall)
Please forward this on.
Yours in Solidarity
Tim Gooden
Don't write here
What's On
- Next delegates meeting Tuesday 5 February 5.30pm
- 1st Wednesday of the month is the Electrical Trade Union Geelong Branch members meeting. Gheringhap St. Office at 5.00pm.
- 3rd Wednesday of the month the Plumbers Union members meeting is 5.00pm at Geelong Trades Hall.
- Last Wednesday of the month at 12 noon the CFMEU shop stewards meet at the CFMEU office on Fyans St.
- Every Thursday night at 6.00pm. Geelong Trades Hall Choir rehearsal. All members welcome. 127 Myers Street. Geelong.