The GTHC Women Unionists Network Annual Award for Women honours a female union member(s) from the Geelong region who makes or has made outstanding efforts to promote women’s participation in the union movement.
The criteria for the Award are:
i an active union member;
ii outstanding service as a Delegate, EEO Delegate, OH&S Delegate;
iii active Women Unionists Network Committee member and/or other union or GTHC committee member, where they work to promote and encourage women’s participation in union activities;
iv other outstanding service to women unionists.
v outstanding contribution to a union campaign
Nominees must meet at least two of the above criteria
Nominations will open at the Women Unionists Network Committee meeting in November each year and close the first week in February of each year.
The Women Unionists Network Committee will nominate a panel of three people consisting of the Geelong Trades Hall Secretary and two women nominated from the Women Unionists Network.
The Panel will assess the nominations and make a consensus decision on the basis of the selection criteria. The panel will have the option of seeking further information about a nominee if required. Where consensus cannot be reached a vote will be taken.
The winner will be decided by the Panel and will be final.
The Panel will inform the Women Unionists Network Committee at the first meeting in February of each year.
The winner will be notified once the final decision is made.
The Award will first be presented in 2009 and will be awarded annually at the Geelong Trades Hall Labour Day dinner.
Geelong Trades Hall
Women Unionists Network
Annual Award for Women Unionists
Name or Union Contact person
Contact details………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
wish to nominate……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
who is a member of the ……………………………………………………………………………………Union.
Please outline how the nominee meets the award criteria.
Please provide any other comments or information supporting your nominee.
If you have supporting documents such as newspaper articles or union magazine articles regarding your nominee please staple them to the nomination form.
Nomination forms are to be returned to the Geelong Trades Hall Award Panel 127 Myers Street Geelong by COB on the 1st February 2010
Don't write here
What's On
- Next delegates meeting Tuesday 5 February 5.30pm
- 1st Wednesday of the month is the Electrical Trade Union Geelong Branch members meeting. Gheringhap St. Office at 5.00pm.
- 3rd Wednesday of the month the Plumbers Union members meeting is 5.00pm at Geelong Trades Hall.
- Last Wednesday of the month at 12 noon the CFMEU shop stewards meet at the CFMEU office on Fyans St.
- Every Thursday night at 6.00pm. Geelong Trades Hall Choir rehearsal. All members welcome. 127 Myers Street. Geelong.