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What's On

  • Next delegates meeting Tuesday 5 February 5.30pm
  • 1st Wednesday of the month is the Electrical Trade Union Geelong Branch members meeting. Gheringhap St. Office at 5.00pm.
  • 3rd Wednesday of the month the Plumbers Union members meeting is 5.00pm at Geelong Trades Hall.
  • Last Wednesday of the month at 12 noon the CFMEU shop stewards meet at the CFMEU office on Fyans St.
  • Every Thursday night at 6.00pm. Geelong Trades Hall Choir rehearsal. All members welcome. 127 Myers Street. Geelong.

Friday, March 27, 2009

To all OH&S Reps, Please Attend Meeting in Melbourne

Your OHS Rights under threat -
National Model OHS Laws
Thursday 2nd April
9.00 - 10.30am
Victorian Trades Hall Council
54 Victoria Street
Carlton South 3053