Greetings from Habana, Cuba. Over 1 Million workers marched in Habana Cuba on May Day. They called for peace and solidarity with all workers of the world and an end to the profit driven madness that is slowly destroying our planet. Tim Gooden and Sue Bull were there with hundreds of other international unionist and socialist to celebrate 50 years of the Cuban revolution.
For a full report come along to the next Trades Hall Council Meeting ( see Whats On) or come along and see the film presented at the Green Left May Day Dinner Dance on Saturday 23 May.
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What's On
- Next delegates meeting Tuesday 5 February 5.30pm
- 1st Wednesday of the month is the Electrical Trade Union Geelong Branch members meeting. Gheringhap St. Office at 5.00pm.
- 3rd Wednesday of the month the Plumbers Union members meeting is 5.00pm at Geelong Trades Hall.
- Last Wednesday of the month at 12 noon the CFMEU shop stewards meet at the CFMEU office on Fyans St.
- Every Thursday night at 6.00pm. Geelong Trades Hall Choir rehearsal. All members welcome. 127 Myers Street. Geelong.